Stimmt aber gar nicht, manchmal muss ich einfach meine Hände beschäftigen. Logisch, oder?
Was ich mit Sternchen mache? Erst mal sammeln, dann auffädeln als Girlande für den Weihnachtsbaum, oder um die Lampe zu behängen, oder das Regal, ...oder mich? ;)
Mal schau'n!

Looks as if I have too much time... =)
But that's not really true: I just have to keep these hands a bit busy. Makes sense, doesn't it?
What I'm going to do with these stars? Well, first they'll be collected, then threaded and used as a garland for the Christmas tree, or the lamp, or the bookshelf,... or me? ;)
Let's see!

They are so sweet! Would you happen to have a tutorial for them? I'd love to make some too.