That's why I'm practising a lot now! With this tea towel. =)

Also, meine Spüle sieht so aus.
Well, my kitchen sink looks like this.

Schön aber recht unpraktisch, weil man ja (trotz Spülmaschine) doch immer mal etwas zum Abwaschen hat. Darum hatte ich schon länger vor eine Trockentuch-Ablage zu nähen wie ich sie hier gefunden habe. Trockentuch ans Handtuch nähen - fertig. Sieht doch witzig aus, mit den Blümchen, nicht? Und nach Gebrauch kommt's einfach auf die Heizung.
Nice, but not very practical, because there is always something to clean (without dishwasher). So I planned on sewing a draining-towel that I had seen here. A towel is attached to a tea towel and - done.
Looks cheerful with the the flowers, doesn't it?
After doing my dishes, it just disappears onto the heater.

Great idea. I am lucky enough to have kind of a tray attached to the sink, so that all water runs down into it. But that is about the best feature of our old kitchen:)
AntwortenLöschenGood start in sewing! You are already doing better than I am ;-). It really lightens up your kitchen, enjoy!
AntwortenLöschenLove, Maaike
I love the fabric, where did you find it?
AntwortenLöschenThanks for your nice comments! =)
AntwortenLöschenMichaja: That fabric is a tea-towel I found at ah. I still do lots of my groceries in NL and just love the stuff they have there - especially for the kids. =)