Trotzdem: Schön war's schon (gestern Abend ausgehen und heute morgen zum Frühstück ins Cafe!), und wir konnten endlich den Stetzkasten in Andrea's Zimmer aufhängen. Daneben hängt jetzt auch endlich wieder die Collage, die ich zu ihrer Geburt gemacht hatte und die in der Garage gelegen hatte. Es ist einfach eine Pinnwand, an die ich das erste Mützchen und erste Karten,... schöne Kleinigkeiten gepinnt hatte. Und es ist noch genug Platz für ihre eigenen Schätze da. Mal sehen, was sie davon findet.
Sunday, the kids are with my in-law's and have fun - and we have some time for ourselves. =) Soooo nice! But of course I am looking forward to seeing them again in a few minutes.
Anyways: it was nice (going out in the evening and for breakfast!) and we finally had some time to hang the letter case in Andrea's room next to a pinboard that was stored in the garage for too long. I have made it when Andrea was born and had some cards and her very first bonnet and other little things attached. There's still plenty of space for her own little treasure. Let's see how she likes it.

It's gorgeous Bettina. Perfect for holding all those teeny tiny toys little girls love to collect.
AntwortenLöschenThanks a lot, Chantal! She loved it and it makes the room so nice and bright. I bet my daughter will start looking for her nice littel treasures this afternoon to fill the case. =)