At the moment there is sooo much to do.... This weekend we will have a street-party and a Birthday (my husband will be 38!) with lots of family and things the kids want to make for him. And in between all this my little one thought about getting potty trained, so my washing mashine is doing over-time. So, for now, only a few snapshots of some current projects.
Blümchen für Andrea (zum Aufnähen auf eine alte Strickjacke)
Little flowers for Andrea (to apply on an old cardigan)
Das war eine kitzlige Sache. =) Es werden Stinkfuss-Beutelchen für Papa's Schuhe.
This tickled a lot. We'll make odor-eaters for Dad's shoes.
Das wird eine freche Fee für eine Stiftedose - für Andrea's Schreibtisch.
This will be a little, naughty fairy for a pencil-bin - for Andrea's desk.
Was soll ich nur backen??? Diesen Käsekuchen, oder doch lieber einen anderen... Noch eben schauen.
What shal I bake? This cheesecake or another one... Let's see some more.
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